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  • Communications Inn Co., Ltd. Network~The designer who created the Olympic logo~

Communications Inn Co., Ltd. Network~The designer who created the Olympic logo~


Japan is one of the leading content countries in terms of culture, including games, manga, and movies. The level of creators is among the highest in the world. We have many personal connections with these top creators.

One example is Masanori Sinozuka, who designed the logo for the Winter Olympics.

After graduating from an art university in Japan, he went to the United States to study. He went on to work in the U.S. and became active as a brand/package designer. At that time, he had already participated in projects for global brands such as Coca-Cola and McDonalds. After returning to Japan, he worked on the symbol mark for the Nagano Olympics.

At that time, 100 designers from all over the world participated in a competition in which more than 1,000 designs competed, and he won the honor. The logo was used in every scene of athletes’ successes at the Nagano Olympics.

My current work is as a logo specialist. Despite the many different work requests I have received, including various products and concepts, I have decided that this is the only area in which I can specialize, and I have pursued the path of logo creation.

A logo influences the way a company, product, or service exists, and it also greatly affects the customer’s impression of it. In fact, it is possible to pack thoughts, aims, and even social significance into the logo.

We often talk about this with Mr. Shinozuka, its top craftsman and artist. The depth of a logo’s impact, and the impact it has on a business, is no longer a matter of small or large.

If you have any questions about logo creation or corporate marks, please contact us. We are always happy to introduce you to top designers who continue to be at the forefront of the world, speaking out across cultures!

I’ll also post a link to our website…. However, it appears that we have done very little work on it. It appears that we only take jobs by referral. Please contact us for more information!
